Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer Boredom.

When you're a kid a huge thing in your life is, of course, Summer. Everyone goes about their school year excitedly awaiting Summer to arrive. And for the first couples weeks or maybe the first month, it's a blast. But after a little while things die down and people go on vacations, and you're left at home. So, for mostly the rest of Summer, you are plagued with boredom. And once you are bored, you get that grumpy 'I hate everything right now' attitude, when nothing is good enough for you and you're constantly in a slump. Well, going with the theme of 'Making a difference' you can put that time to good use. And I understand that your parents say that all the time but it usually involves chores around the house, usually dishes or cleaning your room, but I'm thinking more, helpful. You can find a website made by people in your town that shows groups and clubs for many different activities. It also will let you find opportunities for volunteer work in and around your area. Most people, especially kids, don't understand how important volunteer work is to the big picture of change. If every kid in every city chipped in to some sort of organization, the change in that certain issue would be astronomical! So, who cares if you don't get paid for the work you do? Knowing that you truly helped someone or perhaps many people who genuinely needed it, should be enough for you. It certainly will warm your conscious. Then, who knows, you may make a name in the volunteer business, and one day if you need help, will get more than you expected. If you get involved enough, you could even begin your own movements for issues you think you could help resolve. We can do this. One step at a time.

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